Monday, September 12, 2016

Settlers of Catan and Creative Art

This summer we taught the kids how to play Settlers of Catan.  Hubby's family used to play it (usually the Cities and Knights expansion) all the time.  Multiple times per week.  This board game was involved when he proposed to me.  So it was only a matter of time before we exposed the kids to this classic.

Primus has played with us once before, but this night we decided Secundus and Teritus were old enough, now, too.  It took us about 3 hours, but a great time was had by all.

A favorite past-time when playing board games with multiple pieces like this is to arrange our pieces artistically while we wait for our turn (and then of course trying to destroy each others' creations.)  Usually this consists of towers or snowflake-like patterns. And given the fact that Settlers of Catan is of German origins, it is alarmingly easy to make a perfect swastika out of 4 city pieces.  Inncocent Primus thought it was a Shuriken (throwing star.)

But tonight we got more creative.  Hubby came up with a striking likeness of himself, with full beard and mustache.  

That easily became Santa, if Santa had died his white facial hair to look young again.

 And don't forget that bad guys always have facial hair.  Red cities make great devil horns.  


Secundus was pretty proud of the person she made.

Her duck-man was pretty creative, too.

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