Monday, August 20, 2018

I'm back!

I've been quiet on all my social media for about 4 months.  I'm dealing with a bit of a personal crisis and basically had a nervous breakdown.  After that, I stepped back and haven't been posting anything here or on my personal Facebook.  I didn't want to clog up everyone's newsfeed with the depressing, negative stuff that I wanted to say, and didn't have the energy to fake happy.  I didn't have the energy to do anything!  Also, most days I wanted to scream from the rooftops, "I'M NOT OK!" while at the same time I wanted to crawl under a rock for embarrassment.  And so I kept the screaming internal, and occasionally to my best friends, and posted nothing.

This summer was not fun.  I was mostly in "survival mode" and just trying to get out of bed every morning, keep our regular routines in place, and keep the kids clean and fed.  After several weeks of wallowing, I finally started to come out of the fog a little bit.  I made a list of the things I was going to prioritize my limited energy on, and a list of things that I want to start doing again but will have to add later.  Blogging was on the second list.

I still won't be posting on my personal social media like I used to for the foreseeable future, but I really miss blogging and think I'm ready to get back into it.  Working on this site is something I really enjoy.  This is how I document family memories, share the gospel, and support fellow homeschoolers!

So I'm back.  Before my freak-out, I had a few posts finished and scheduled that I cancelled.  Those are going to go up first before new ideas.

Yes, I'm still struggling. Don't expect anything inspirational or introspective for a while. But at least I'm  slowly trying to make my life better. Slowly. Trying.

Anyway, here's to a new year of school! May yours be wonderful!

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