Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Look for the Blessings in Trials

I own a small business out of my home kitchen. At the moment, it's not really big; basically it pays for Christmas for the kids. It's exciting to see the growth I've had from year to year, though.

Yesterday morning however, I had a crisis that had me feeling for a moment like maybe this venture has run it's course and it was time to throw in the towel.

I had an issue with one of my suppliers. I always feared this day would come, but didn't have a solid back up plan. Now I was absolutely panicking! I couldn't even think straight.

As Hubby is constantly reminding me, though, when there's a trial I have to focus on the blessings. There is always hope and Heavenly Father was right there. So instead of wallowing, I need to "look on the bright side." This is so hard for me to do! But here it goes...

1. I realized the issue early in the week, with plenty of time to find a solution before my event this weekend.
2. The kids are pretty independent and were able to do their schoolwork on their own while I focused on this crisis.
3. Hubby was home to talk me through solutions and plans. It was a bummer that he didn't have a job assignment to go to today, but Heavenly Father knew that I was going to need him at home!
4. I found a new local supplier that was able to take care of me today, with only a slight price increase over what I was getting.
5. My laptop is crappy and gives me "blue screen of death" often and at the most inopportune times. But today I was able to do plenty of Googling and such on it and it didn't shut down until right *after* I was done with it.

Proverbs 28:20 A faithful man shall abound with blessings.

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