Tuesday, October 31, 2017

No, It's NOT Because They're Homeschooled

Read this article!

"It's Because They're Homeschooled." No. Actually, It's Not.
By The Hmmm...Schooling Mom

This is so good! And the author points out that you can replace "homeschooled" with "public schooled" in that title and it would still be accurate.

It's fun to speculate how my kids would be different if they went to public school, had more or less siblings, lived in a different state, could afford family vacations, or if they were born into a different family.

 Certainly, their upbringing and environment DO effect them. But their base personalities are central to who they are and can't be changed. One of mine is very independent and confident; it's not easy to parent, or teach, a toddler or preschooler with these traits! Honestly, in one of my lowest parenting moments, i did try to change her personality. And it backfired! Sending her to public school wouldn't have changed her, either!

My kids are the way they are mostly because that's the way we are, NOT because they are homeschooled.

Like I said, environment and upbringing do effect children, but as this author emphasizes, the double standard is unacceptable. If a homeschooled kid and a public schooled kid both do the exact same behavior (talk nonstop and insist on doing things her own way instead of following instructions, for example), we can't say that one did it because of their schooling while one did it because of their personality.

Let's not judge and just allow ALL parents the support and encouragement they need to make the choices they feel will be best for their kids! ❤

(All that said, I don't begrudge my family and friends who tease us about being homeschooled. With them, I choose to believe it's all in good fun and not sincere criticism. Teasing is genetic in my family. We roll with it and dish it right back.)

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