Thursday, March 22, 2018

Are Leprechauns Real?

The morning of St Patrick's Day, Secundus excitedly rushed into our bedroom to tell us all about the amazing discovery her sister had made. The night before, the kids made a leprechaun trap and when Primus got up she noticed that the leprechaun had cleverly used a piece of yarn as a bungie cord to retrieve the chocolate gold coin bait without getting caught in the trap. Secundus showed us the picture that her sister had taken of the evidence: the piece of yarn, the ball of yarn the "leprechaun" found in our craft basket, scissors, and the coin partially unwrapped and nibbled.

We called Primus in to interrogate her. We were sure that she had sprung the trap in order to keep the magic alive for her siblings. She denied it and convinced us she was telling the truth. After interviewing the boys, I was starting to freak out. (Yes, I'm gullible. And I hate horror movies. They *could* be real!)

We then brought Secundus back in and her smile as she entered told us instantly that she was the leprechaun. I'm very impressed with her sneaky creativity in tricking her siblings! She was the first one awake that morning and didn't want the other kids to be disappointed that there was no leprechaun evidence. It really was sweet! I can't wait to see what happens next year!

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