Friday, September 21, 2018

New School "Toys" for the First Day of School

One fun thing we did on the first day of school this year is to go shopping at Lakeshore Learning.  Usually when we go shopping there we fill a cart and then the store holds onto our stuff until the school pays for it and my supervising teacher can go pick it up.  All I get to go home with is a receipt showing what I ordered.  It's so fun to shop with our school funds, but a bit of a let down when we have to wait a few weeks to actually receive our purchases.  

However this year, our charter school arranged some special shopping days.  They had school representatives there that could approve and pay for our selections on the spot so we could bring them home without any wait!  It's so great!  I love our charter school!  They're always improving and seeking ways to better serve us families. 

On the first day of school we took a field trip to Lakeshore and while I picked up a couple things that I needed, the kids were able to choose one fun item to buy with our school funds.  Then the afternoon was spent enjoying our choices.

Secundus chose this really cool fort building set.  Primus and her actually slept in this igloo that night (I don't understand how they can fit but they assure me it's comfortable enough.)

Tertius chose this Action Plates set.  The girls already had the Fashion Plates version.  He can build a super hero using the interchangeable body pieces and then put paper over it and do a crayon rubbing of his creation. We recently watched Avengers: Infinity War and so after he created all his super heros, he drew Infinity Gauntlets on their hands.

Primus chose this necklace making kit with alphabet beads.

Quartus chose magnetic fishing rods.  The kids had all had their eyes on this silly toy for a while.  It's one of those things that they have a lot of fun playing with when we visit the store, but I wasn't sure they would actually use it if we brought it home.  Plus, it doesn't have that much educational value for my big kids.  And for 30 bucks?  Pass!  But then on our special shopping day Quartus found 2 of the rods packaged without the fish for less than half the price.  I couldn't say "no."

I helped him cut out construction paper fish and put colored paper clips on their mouths.  Then Quartus and Tertius had a blast fishing together from a blue sheet "ocean."  They also had fun going all over the house to see what their fishing rods would stick to.  I forget how fascinating magnets are for kids!

I'll say it again, I love our charter school!  And I love that we have access to all these fun resources!

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