Thursday, August 2, 2012

1 More Week!

School starts on August 13th!  Considering we spent this summer moving into a new house and I spent lots of my time napping and feeling sick (yep, little #4 is on the way!) we didn't do much academics.  We also got WAY off our habits of early-to-bed-and-early-to-rise (by "we" I mean "me.")  So it's time we get back into a schedule. 
Like I eluded to, lots of things need to change to get us all back into school-mode.  So here's a small list I came up with.  My goal is to start this plan this coming Monday.  That will give everyone a week to get used to it so Monday the 13th isn't as big of a shock.

- 7:45pm kid's bedtime.  "Toilet, Teeth, Sleepers." That was the chant my parents used when I was growing up.  Those things will be followed by one or two bedtime stories.  Then it's family scripture reading and prayer.  Then off to bed.  This isn't much different than we've been doing all summer.  The hard part is going to be finally sleep-training Tertius.  That boy needs to learn how to go to sleep in his own bed before 10pm!

- Clean the table and start the dishwasher before I go to bed.  This is worst, most embarrassing thing to admit.  We have never been good about taking care of the dirty dishes and wiping off the table before going to bed.  It's a wonder that we've never had issues with ants!  So this has definitely got to finally change.  And I hate waking up to a dirty kitchen table.  When the table is gross, I'm more inclined to let the kids eat at the small table in the living room in the morning.  And then I complain about there being spilled milk and crumbs on the carpet...

- 10pm bedtime for me. I really should go to bed even earlier than this, but I've gotta be realistic here.

- 6:30am I wake up.  I'll spend the morning doing scripture study and preparing any last-minute lesson plans.

-7am kids wake up.  This is the time they usually get up naturally.  We'll do prayer and scripture memorization.  Then it's time for breakfast. 

- After lunch is Quiet Time.  During "quiet time," the kids can sleep or just sit in their beds reading books.  This is the only time during the day that I will allow myself to get on the computer.  This one is going to be the hardest adjustment!

- Media Allowance will be reinstated.  The girls will not be awarded their movie allowance until after all their assigned school work is completed.  During this first adjustment week/last week of summer, their assigned school work will simply consist of 2 pages from their workbooks they've been doing this summer.

Wish me luck!

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