Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Getting a Head Start on Halloween

I am so excited for Halloween this year! I always start thinking of and mentally planning the kids' costumes months in advance. But this year I'm already working on making them. It's so early! I'm sure this is a record for me. It helps that I already had almost all of the needed fabric and that these are easy costumes to put together.  Gotta love Greco-Roman clothes that are essentially wrapped bed sheets!

Primus (Amazon Warrior)

Done: tunic, shield (it's made from a plastic deli tray- that Hubby was smart enough to suggest I save- with brown paper mod podged on it), shoes

Still need to make: armor, helmet

Secundus (Aphrodite)

Done: peplos (the top draping layer is a pretty embroidered fabric scrap that I added to the sheet), fibulae (brooches- one has a picture of a dove and the other a rose, which are two symbols associated with the goddess of love and beauty)

Still need to make: gold belt

Tertius (Poseidon)

Done: toga (I need to wrap it better than shown in the picture!), sea weed skirt, fibula (his brooch has a picture of a great white shark)

Still need to make: shell crown (maybe- he says he doesn't want one)

In progress: trident (needs gold paint)

Quartus (Roman Emperor)

Done: tunic (I cut it shorter and made the sleeves shorter after taking this picture), fibula, cape, armor

Still need to make: crown of leaves (maybe- he says he doesn't want one)

Do you enjoy making Halloween costumes?  What are your kids going to be this year?

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