Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Statue of Liberty Costume

Primus is our Statue of Liberty.  We were super lucky that we had so much of what we needed on hand!  Seriously, this is such a weird green color and we happened to have a long-sleeve sweatshirt, 2 twin sheets, and a scrap of fabric all in roughly the same gross color! 

The first sheet starts behind her, is pulled under her arms, and then crossed and pinned behind her neck, as shown in the pictures. 

The second sheet is gathered up and draped over one shoulder, pulled down to her other side, and tied together with a bit of rope.

I used Mod-Podge to cover an empty cereal box with fabric.  I'm pretty disappointed that it ended up so discolored and wrinkled, but oh well!

The book/box is open at the top so she can use it to collect trick-or-treat candy.  She wanted the option to hold it like a purse so we reinforced it on the inside with extra cardboard scraps, poked holes, and added a rope strap.

I hot-glued tissue paper to the top of a flashlight and wrapped the whole thing with fabric for her torch.

There are so many different ideas on how to do the crown!  I pinned a couple of them here. This is what I came up with.  The points and the front piece (with the windows drawn in sharpie) are just cardboard wrapped in fabric and glued to either side of a thick green headband.

You can see from the back that each triangular point is attached individually and they're slightly overlapped as needed.

 In a couple days you'll get to see our final Halloween costume: Uncle Sam!

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