I want to thank you so much for providing free fruit for kids near your check stand (and cookies in your bakery!) It's nice that when I have to take my 4 kids grocery shopping with me, they can get a treat. They love it!
I love that I can use your generosity as a platform for life lessons for them: they practice polite words when they ask the bakery lady for cookies, they have to *earn* their treats by behaving correctly while we shop, I teach them about "taxes" when I require that they give me a little bite of what they got

Also, I've taught them that the reason Raley's provides this service is because it's a successful marketing technique so they are learning about real-world business practices; case in point, we always stop at Raley's on the way home from grandma's house instead of the Walmart neighborhood market or Winco (I've also explained to them that this extra service is one reason that Raley's prices are generally higher. "No such thing as a free lunch" is an important concept for kids to learn!)
Unfortunately, apparently not all of your customers understand the point and value of your policy. Today as we were checking out, a cranky older woman accused me of teaching my children that it was ok to steal oranges without paying for them. I pointed to the sign and tried to explain it to her but she still rolled her eyes and shook her head at me. Oh well! There's another good lesson for my kids: you can't please everyone!
A Grateful Mom That Hopes That Grumpy Lady Doesn't Have Grandkids
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